Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 13...Twilight

Fireflys, lighting bugs, bats zooming for dinner, sun going down, moon coming up, twilight is the time when my kids cling to the remainder of the day, not wanting to let go.  After dinner, showers taken, pajamas on, and back outside they go not to be seen until darkness overtakes light.  Even then I have to call them in, they never come in voluntarily, always finding more fascinating things to do, discoveries being made, relaxing in the grass, and enjoying the view of the first stars that pop out. 
During this somber time, they get along better, laughter is heard, compliments are made, and joy fills them.  
They have been working on this mud hut for a few days,  adding mud and grass each night and letting it bake in the sun during the day. A project the three of them came up with, devoting time each night to work on it together.  Afterwards they join their voices in the loud hum of the evening, entertaining themselves with flashlight tag and hide and seek in the dark, chasing kitties and laying out under the stars...until I have to reluctantly drag them into bed. 

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