Saturday, January 15, 2011

Uniquely Her Own

Jillian is 3!!!!

The night before her birthday as I contemplate on the day she was born and how fast these three years have gone by, I realize that I have been here before...getting ready for other "3" year old parties, making a cake, decorating, wrapping presents, and thanking God for us making it through the 2 year old year, for his protection over these little souls he intrusted us with... and I realize that it has never been the same. No party has been alike, no cake has tasted the same, the toys have all been different...just like the child everything is unique.

So that mom I was to those 3 year olds, is constantly having to change, how I reacted to John, how I talk to Jacob, how I spend time with is changing with each one. So this 3rd year of Jillian's life will not be like the others...but uniquely hers.
I rejoice that my children are different, that they aren't carbon copies of one another but it also "shakes" my confidence, throws me off balance, and makes me doubt my always changing job...of being a Momma.

I love this description of Jillian..."A bit of spunk, a bit of sweetness, and a heart of gold." by Jennifer Riley

She is sunshine to and grace, attitude and fun, and more character then anyone person deserves.

She is all girl, lover of pink and pretty.
Her birthday was amazing, viewed through the eyes of a three year old, sprinkles, colors, and balloons were all she needed, her glass was full. Add in the presents and it tipped it right over.
So this year..I am realizing that I will never be a pro. no matter how many children I have, I am learning to be prepared, takes things in stride, and trust God through it all.
Because just like the waves in the ocean..the children in our house are always changing.
Happy Birthday my Little Sunshine Girl!!!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Her cake was adorable! I can only imagine her reaction as she is sitting there in awe of the castle made JUST for her.
She was truly a delight to meet, as all of the kiddos are. Something about Jilly's Spunk just melted my heart though... even if she was a bit shy with us during our short stay. She'll always have a place in my heart!
You're raising amazing children, and I love 'seeing' them through your eyes!