Saturday, May 15, 2010

123 Like a Bird I Sing....Julia's Dance Recital

WOW!!! Another year has gone by and another dance recital.

Julia has improved so much this year....probably because she is a year older and has figured out that she loves to do it. I love to watch her in class, she loves being there and doesn't struggle with the dance moves. She is soaking the stuff up and constantly doing it at home. So different then last year.

Jillian wants to do everything Julia does.
This is Julia's costume from last year.
Both the costumes are now "expensive" dress up clothes.
Grandmama touching up lipstick. I am so glad she wanted to be a part of this.
Julia loves her so much and talked about it for a week that Grandmama was coming.

Mimi came to see Julia dance...she was so excited.

Julia with her dancing partner Caroline.

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